Constraints and possibilities. The Evolution of Knowledge and the Knowledge of Evolution Mauro Ceruti

Mauro Ceruti

Constraints and possibilities

The Evolution of Knowledge and the Knowledge of Evolution
Gordon and Breach, 1996

Originally published in Italian, Constraints and Possibilities has caused a considerable stir in Europe and has already been translated into several languages. In what noted-cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster called a stroke of genius, Ceruti applies this new perspective to our understanding of evolution, startlingly outlining how the evolution of knowledge and our knowledge of evolution have in fact been mirror images of each other. Expanding on the intellectual tradition of Gregory Bateson, Ervin Laszlo, Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge, Ceruti’s work is a testament to the paradigm shift occurring in science today. Constraints and Possibilities is indispensable reading for anyone interested in the evolution of our conception of knowledge in science.

The book has been published in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese.

Heinz von Foerster in the foreword to the english edition of “Il vincolo e la possibilità” (CONSTRAINTS AND POSSIBILITIES)
“How can one rebuild the awesome structure of science without the cement of “causation”, the cement that is supposed to hold the whole construction together? It was a stoke of genius that guided Mauro Ceruti in his development of an appropriate epistemology for a new science, when he chose to demonstrate this development with the aid of a case of (almost) perfect asymmetry, that is, a case of (almost) complete transparency and interpretability of things past, and (almost) universal opacity and unpredictability of things to come: the case of biological evolution.”
Roland E. Purser’s comment on the english edition of “Il vincolo e la possibilità” (CONSTRAINTS AND POSSIBILITIES)
“Mauro Ceruti has constructed a trailblazing and provocative inquiry into the emergent field of experimental epistemology. No one before has so fully and painstakingly exposed the complex nexus and associative linkages between our biological evolution, cognitive processes, and cultural domains of discourse. Constraints and Possibilities will create much new debate and provide a platform for revisioning and humanizing the scientific enterprise.”
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