Gianluca Bocchi, Mauro Ceruti

Histórias e origens

Instituto Piaget, 1997

Uma obra que avança uma primeira síntese que reconstrói, num único projecto de conjunto, embora sem os confundir, os múltiplos itinerários do saber contemporâneo, demasiadas vezes inacessíveis e mudos, porque separados por rígidas barreiras .disciplinares.
Dois séculos de investigações, desde o primeiro reemergir dos restos fósseis de organismos marinhos e dinossauros até à nova cosmologia: um tempo muito breve em releção aos abismos temporais que só, hoje, começamos a perceber. No espaço de poucas décadas, o cenário das ciências modificou-se tão profundamente que, por vezes, parece dominado por uma vertigem de caos e desenraizamento.
O que o leitor descobrirá é que nada aconteceu necessariamente e que as histórias aqui narradas – a história das civilizações arcaicas, a história da evolução biológica, a bistória do nascimento do cosmos … – são as que emergiram de um jogo multiforme de regularidades e contingências, de vínculos e possibilidades, de desenvolvimentos e entrelaçamentos imprevisíveis. Que poderiam ter sido outras e não foram. Que a nossa história, incluindo a futura, pode ser pensada como uma cena repleta de riscos, mas também rica de oportunidades.

Il libro è stato pubblicato in italiano, inglese, spagnolo, portoghese.

JIlya Prigogine’s comment on the american edition of “Origini di storie” (The Narrative Universe)
“The narrative universe by Bocchi and Ceruti is fascinating to read. It is indeed a remarkable feature of modern science that have moved to a different view of nature which emphasizes the narrative element levels of observation from high energy physics to chemistry and biology. Bocchi and Ceruti present a global and impressive view of this narrative aspect starting with mythology and the early history of humanity and going from there… The narrative universe is a unique book. It will be of great interest for everyone who cares about the memory of the past as well as humanity’s position in the universe.”
Jerome Bruner’s comment on the american edition of “Origini di storie” (The Narrative Universe)
“Bocchi and Ceruti provide an extraordinarily rich account of these contingent, umpredictable changes in evolution, in human culture and in the physical universe […] and their conclusion is not that either the universe or humanity is at the end of some predetermined road, already known in advance, but, rather, in medias res, in the middle of a story.”
Immanuel Wallerstein’s comment on the american edition of “Origini di storie” (The Narrative Universe)
“The narrative universe is a wondrous book, whose very title is the message. The authors take us down the highways and byways of the world of knowledge, to tell us that we live not only in a contingent universe but are engaged in the creation of contingent knowledges. We are forced to think about assumptions we never realized needed to be questioned. It is a resolutely hopeful, creative work about a crewative universe.”
“A remarkable work of transdisciplinary scholarship. The Narrative Universe is a rich and fascinating work that offers a new perspective on evolution that emphasizes the importance of human choice and actions, and the possibility for creating a partnership world.”
“A marvellous book in several senses: I marvel at Bocchi and Ceruti’s erudition, and at the grace with which they apply it. Here we have a masterful narrative well told about the history of consciousness, from the earliest dawnings of human awareness to the latest reflections on evolutionary theory about our evolution.”
“Drawing from biology, complexity science, cultural history, cosmology, linguistics, mythology, anthropology, as well as the history of religions, literature, and twentieth century film, Bocchi and Ceruti have crafted our time’s most comprehensive and compact survey of contemporary science. Their choice of scientists is unfailingly accurate, and their presentation is simultaneously through and clear. Their book will be most appreciated by individuals who are outside the world of science, but have an occasion wondered what the excitement is all about. Here, in a single volume, is a record of most of our century’s greatest scientific triumphs.”
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